Best At Home-Senior Companion Care Services


Best At Home offers non-medical in home companion care for seniors.  We are a California corporation, family owned and operated.  Best At Home serves the Southern California area.

Our company is dedicated to keeping seniors comfortable in their own homes, rather than being placed or placing themselves in a facility.  This freedom to stay in their own homes, adds to the quality of their life and happiness.  Best At Home quality caregivers, keep a home running smoothly, which in turn, allows family visits to be more care-free and pleasant.

Getting started is easy.  Simply give us a call at 714-963-4355 and we will be happy to answer any questions you might have or send you a brochure.  Then, of you have decided you are interested in our services, we will schedule a FREE, no obligation in home assessment.

Companionship and Homemaking Services:
Light Housekeeping:
Weekly laundry and changing beds
Take out garbage

Plan/prepare simple meals
Monitor food expirations
Organize household
Mail bills/letters
Answer door/telephone
Maintain client calendar
Pet care
House plant care
Recreation and travel
Moving/packing help
Grocery and clothes shopping
Errand services
Transportation to/from appointments
Grooming and dressing guidance
Medication reminders
Live-In Care/24-hour Care
Respite for family caregivers
Personal alarm systems
Traveling notary service


Arranging for:
Cleaning services
Minor home repairs
Gardening services
Home deliveries

Taking walks
Go to the mall
Play cards/games
Relive memories
Visit friends
Make photo album
Attend a religious service
Go out to dinner
See a movie
Bake cookies
Visit cemetery
Go for a drive
Plant flowers
Write a letter
Share some tea
Plan outings
Be a friend


Our compassionate caregivers are the best in the business!
Each caregiver is fully screened, bonded & covered by liability & workers compensation insurance.

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