Best At Home-Senior Companion Care Services

About Us

Best At Home Inc. was started in January of 2001 as a California Corporation headquartered in Orange County, where it remains today.  As a pioneer in the stand alone non-medical companion care service industry, we set the standards by acquiring the best liability, worker's compensation, and bonding insurance coverage available.  We interview each and every caregiver personally and if they pass the interview and reference check, they are screened by a professional background screening company, which includes a criminal and driving record check.  Only after passing each phase of the screening process are they considered for an assignment with a client.  Each caregiver is provided a training manual and training continues on an on-going basis.  As always, the bottom line is, "if we wouldn't send them to our home, we won't send them to yours." ©

The corporation grew by 500% during the first year, which reflects not only the need in the marketplace but the quality of care our Best At Home caregivers provide.  Based on our excellent reputation, we continue to be sought out not only by families but also by hospitals, medical centers, social workers, senior centers, government agencies, and others associated with the senior companion care industry. 

The owner of our company, Randall Gee, purchased Best At Home from the original owner in April of 2006.  He is a graduate of UC Irvine with a
Bachelors in economics.  Randall has over 18 years of business experience as Sales, Marketing, and General Manager, of various technology companies.  He has over 20 years of
community service at his church, volunteering as a Sunday school teacher.  Randall has always loved helping others, especially children and seniors, and wondered if there was a way to incorporate this into a career.  He decided to investigate the caregiver service industry but after 2 years, was dismayed at how some of the organizations were run.  This all changed when he came to Best At Home and was impressed with the company, the staff, and the careful business foundation the previous owner had built.  Randall decided to purchase Best At Home and he is eager to serve our clients and our community for many years to come. 

Some of our caregivers include Joann, who has been with us since July of 2002.  After many years in office administration she decided she wanted a career where she could give of herself and help others.
In April of 2003 Gloria came on board.  After running a printing press for 30 years, she wanted a change.  Gloria now divides her time between clients in Morningside she has had for several years.
Laura joined the team in May of 2003 after her husband Jerry started working for us.   Both are retired school teachers and Laura determined she wanted to be of service to a new generation.   Her husband Jerry still helps us on a part-time and fill-in basis.
Fida has been with us since September of 2003 prior to which she was at home raising a family.   She took a course in Germany, where she learned to work with individuals with special needs, including those needs commonly faced by many seniors.
Mark, has been with us since March of 2005.   Prior to joining us he worked for an employment pre-screening company, but had experience as a caregiver from taking care of his own parents for over 8 years.

And Kathleen,  our "newest veteran," joined us in November of 2008. She has happily been with the same client since that time.

Our office staff includes our Office Manager, Diana Perry, who has been with us since April of 2004.

All of us at Best At Home look forward to being your senior companion care provider for many years to come!                                                                    


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